March 2023

Monthly KOREA

Quiz Event

Did you enjoy the March issue of Monthly KOREA that featured Marado Island,
the island where spring comes fastest in Korea?

Give correct answers to the questions below.
A reward will be granted via drawing lots to those who provided the correct answers.

Quiz. 1

Marado island boasts an unspoiled nature. Also, this island is very symbolic place as it¡¯s located in the OOO of Korea. What words will enter OOO?

  1. ¨ç southernmost
  2. ¨è northernmost
  3. ¨é easternmost
  4. ¨ê westernmost
Quiz. 2

OO is a sport in which four people play in a team and use their feet to pass the ball to the opponent's net. What is this sport known to have originated from the Korean military?

  1. ¨ç Ssireum
  2. ¨è Jokgu
  3. ¨é Archery
  4. ¨ê Taekwondo


April 3 -21, 2023


Event Winner
from the last issue

Amazon $50 Gift Card

M****** c***** / C********* / Algeria
M**** F**** / k************ / Egypt
d* T*** M***** / m********** / Hungary
M**** L** D******* / ************** / India
U******* H****** / u****** / Indonesia
M******* N**** / n******* / Morocco
T*** W** W** / t******** / Singapore
A***** / a****** / Venezuela

Webzine KOREA

February 2023

Daedeok Innopolis

October 2022

A Factory of the Arts