March 2023


Written by Yu Pureum
Photographed by Stidio Kenn

Q. Hello. Tell us about yourself.

Hello, I¡¯m Park Nop Eum, a striker currently active in the Jeonnam Sports Council. I¡¯m 19 years old and currently a high school senior.

Q. How did you become a jokgu player?

My father enjoys playing jokgu. When I was younger, I went to the jokgu field with my father several times, and I started playing it naturally. That was when I was in the third grade of elementary school, so I¡¯ve been playing jokgu for about 10 years now.

Q. What kind of sport is jokgu?

Jokgu is a team sport played by four people consisting of two defenders, a setter who lifts the ball into the air, and a killer (attacker) who kicks the ball after the setter has lifted it. As the name jokgu implies (with jok meaning foot in Chinese characters), it is a foot-based sport, and therefore the ball can only touch below the knee and above the chin.

Q. I heard that you recently joined a new team. Is that correct?

Yes, that¡¯s right. I originally played for Suncheon OK, but I switched teams when I joined Chejeonbu.

Park has emerged as a star in the world of jokgu despite his young age with his sharp and powerful strike.
Official jokgu balls and shoes used in the tournament

Q. What is Chejeonbu?

Chejeonbu is a term used for professional teams in jokgu. There are more than 10 Chejeonbu teams in Korea, mostly based on regions.

Q. Jokgu was designated as a demonstration sport in the national sports festival last year. As a jokgu player, I bet this is unique and meaningful for you.

Until recently, jokgu was perceived more as a game than a sport, despite its popularity. I was pleased that jokgu had taken its first step toward recognition as a sport. I also believed that I should work harder to popularize jokgu.

Q. How is the pro league of jokgu operated?

This year marks the debut of the professional league, known as the ¡°Super League,¡± where top national team players come together to compete. The league is scheduled to run from April to November, and our team is working hard to prepare for it. With it being the inaugural season of the professional league, winning the championship would undoubtedly be a significant achievement for us, and the victory would hold even more significance.

Q. You¡¯re known as the ¡°Genius of the Jokgu World,¡± and your video has reached 1 million views. What are some of your strengths as a jokgu player?

First of all, I believe that my relative skill in jokgu for my age has contributed to the attention I¡¯ve received from others. Jokgu is often associated with adult men, but my position as a high school professional player likely caught the attention of many people. As a jokgu player, my particular advantage is my highly flexible pelvis. This flexibility enables me to strike the ball at various angles, making my attacks more effective.

Park playing jokgu with other fellow jokgu players

Q. What moments are most enjoyable when playing jokgu?

As an attacker, I feel the most pleasure when my attacks succeed. I tend to kick the ball hard, so it feels great when defenders can¡¯t receive my ball.

Q. What do you think is the charm of jokgu?

The main benefit is that anyone, regardless of gender or age, can enjoy it. You can also enjoy excellent teamwork. In fact, jokgu players of all ages are active, ranging from 10-year-olds to people in their 60s and 70s.

Q. Can you give some tips for watching jokgu matches?

Jokgu¡¯s rules are straightforward. The match, however, moves at a breakneck pace. Furthermore, because there are few players and the court is small, you may miss the flow of the match if you take your eyes off the match for a moment. You will quickly become immersed in the match if you follow the flow of the ball!

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