March 2023

ESG Report

Written by Seong Jiyeon
Photos Courtesy of BEAR.BETTER.

BEAR.BETTER. was founded on the principle of creating sustainable employment. The company has been able to achieve its goals by cleverly identifying the needs of other businesses. BEAR.BETTER. paid the most attention to the linked employment contribution reduction system related to the compulsory employment of people with disabilities.

¡°People with disabilities must represent 3.1% of the total number of employees for companies over a certain size. If not, the company must pay a disability employment levy. However, companies that do business with workplaces that are made for people with disabilities (such as BEAR.BETTER.) can receive up to a 50% reduction on the levy. BEAR.BETTER. mainly works with corporate clients to help them reduce these fees.¡± BEAR.BETTER. has created a win-win system that benefits both the company and its business partners.

Beyond a Simple Workplace

BEAR.BETTER. currently operates seven businesses that focus on things companies need: printing, confectionery, flowers, and coffee. Of course, not all products can be commercialized. BEAR.BETTER. has to consider employees who follow routines and things that are familiar to them. BEAR.BETTER. first determines whether business can be carried out by subdividing the work of employees. It is important to make sure high-quality products can be produced.

There are only three things BEAR.BETTER. expects from its employees: to be able to commute to work on their own, to have the will to work and to possess the minimum communication skills needed for job performance. These things are evaluated through interviews and job training. New hires who meet the aforementioned criteria are converted to full-time employees after a three-month probationary period.

For employees with developmental disabilities, BEAR.BETTER. has more meaning than being just a simple workplace. BEAR.BETTER. offers sports spaces and in-house communities such as Jiu-jitsu, Climbing, and Billiards to workers who struggle to find fulfilling ways to spend their free time. These communities help these employees achieve a balance between their work and personal lives.

The company also offers art and culinary programs to help employees learn simple skills and give them the chance to learn many different things that they can enjoy in their free time.

We Make Things To Our Own Rhythm

In celebration of its 10th anniversary, BEAR.BETTER. has updated its logo design. The most notable change is the updated mascot, BEBE. Additionally, the company changed its slogan from ¡°Bear makes THE WORLD better¡± to ¡°We make things to our own rhythm¡± and introduced new brand colors. Notably, BEBE¡¯s new face expression is a reflection of the changes within BEAR.BETTER.¡¯s face expressions of the employees.

EAR.BETTER. employees have worked hard for a long time, and have eventually been able to make a positive change in their lives by gaining proficiency in their communication and social skills.

This has been the most rewarding part of the job for the CEO of BEAR. BETTER. ¡°There have been many memorable moments over the past ten years, but there is one that stands out from the rest. There was an employee who had never spoken to me even after working at the company for three years. One holiday season, they said to me, ¡®Merry Christmas.¡¯ I will never forget that. Those who don¡¯t know people who have a developmental disability may not understand how meaningful that was. It feels great to experience the growth and change in our employees.¡±

Various products sold at BEAR.BETTER.

Dreaming of More BEAR.BETTER.

BEAR.BETTER. began a new challenge in 2022 in celebration of the company¡¯s 10th anniversary. The company opened a pop-up store in Seongsudong, Seoul. It was the company¡¯s first real experience greeting general consumers, not other businesses.

Along the same vein, BEAR.BETTER. also started selling coffee, confectionery, and flowers to general consumers in 2022. The company opened its business to the general public so it could give more people the opportunity to interact with people with developmental disabilities.

The company wants people to know that the employees are full-fledged members of society who are no different to them. Thanks to the location of BEAR.BETTER. in Seoul, individuals with developmental disabilities within commuting distance have access to job opportunities. However, those living in rural areas face the challenge of a lack of suitable employment options for their demographic. In order to provide job opportunities for people with developmental disabilities in rural areas, BEAR.BETTER started the ¡°Bravo Beaver Project¡± in Daegu and Incheon in 2022. Bravo Beaver sells products such as fruit syrup, specialty items and organic floral tea that utilize the characteristics of each region. Bravo Beaver plans on opening more shops in different regions across the country, starting with Bravo Beaver Gyeonggi in 2023. The company plans on building a stable and healthy workplace for people with developmental disabilities across the country.

There is only one reason why BEAR.BETTER. is constantly undergoing challenges: to uphold the company¡¯s founding goal of providing sustainable employment for people with developmental disabilities. However, BEAR. BETTER. is not the only place where people with developmental disabilities can shine. ¡°If a worker with a developmental disability is offered a more desirable position elsewhere, BEAR.BETTER. strongly recommends that they take it. Of course, we face the risk of losing a valuable employee if that person decides to leave the company. However, a virtuous circle is created when workers switch jobs, benefiting both BEAR.BETTER. and the workers it hires. Most importantly, the availability of services other than BEAR.BETTER. for people with developmental disabilities demonstrates the increasing acceptance of disabled people into the workforce.¡°

BEAR.BETTER. hopes that more employment opportunities will open up for people with developmental disabilities where they can work in a more stable and healthy environment.

View of the pop-up store opened in Seongsu-dong in 2022

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