February 2023


Written by
Yu Pureum

Photographed by
Studio KENN

Daedeok Innopolis,
A City Building the Future of Science

Over the past several decades, Korea has achieved an amazing level of technological development, going from a nation receiving international aid to one leading the world in the development of advanced technology. A significant player in this development has been Daedeok Innopolis, which is a major scientific research complex located in the northern part of Daejeon Metropolitan City. In fact, many of the successes that allowed Korea to become a world leader in science and technology were achieved at this complex. As a result, the 50-year-history of Daedeok Innopolis is synonymous with the history of Korea¡¯s scientific and technological achievements.

Daedeok Innopolis is a hub where science seamlessly integrates into daily life. There is a science museum even in the department store. On the road, science-themed sculptures make the city even more attractive.

The National Science Museum, which showcases the history of Korean science, and 26 research institutions such as the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute and the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, collectively form a pioneering science cluster.

Here, researchers are creating advanced science and technology, while citizens enjoy science and technology for the benefit of people. Daedeok Innopolis is where science and technology connect with people.
The Busan North Port area is brightly lit at night. If you¡¯re awake, take the chance to catch this beautiful night view.
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Korea¡¯s Science and
Technology Hub

The first country to commercialize 5G. A world leader in semiconductors. A global leader in ICT. All of these phrases exemplify the leadership role Korea plays in the global advancement of science and technology. In fact, Daedeok Innopolis has played a key role in turning Korea into the powerful science and technology hub that it is today.

A Place Synonymous with
Korea¡¯s Scientific Development

In 1968, the Korean government established a ¡°long term comprehensive plan for the development of science and technology.¡± The core of this plan was to place all the various research institutes scattered throughout the country into one place to create synergy in their research activities.

Of the top candidate sites for the new research complex, Daedeok was chosen mainly because of the advantages afforded by its geographical location. The area was located near a major expressway and railway, and its proximity to the Geumgang River made it easy to obtain and treat water used for industrial purposes. After five years of groundwork on the complex were completed, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources and other major research centers began to set up shop at the complex.

In the 1980s, Daedeok Innopolis started to grow at a fast pace with government-funded research institutes along with those funded by corporations either relocating to the complex or starting new operations there. In 2005, the complex was combined with Daedeok Techno Valley, which was home to venture start-ups. This merger created the Daedeok Innopolis that exists today.

A Massive Incubator

Daedeok Innopolis¡¯s strength comes from cooperation and fusion. The complex boasts active exchanges between the wide range of research institutes and corporations that exist there. This high-level of interaction allows different kinds of technologies to fuse together and create synergy.

In fact, a great deal of world-class technologies has emerged from the complex. In the ICT field, ETRI developed CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and, in 1996, was the first to successfully commercialize it. The world¡¯s third-running robot, Hubo, was also created at the complex.

Moreover, after its merger with Daedeok Techno Valley, Daedeok Innopolis has turned into a major incubator for cultivating advanced technologies. The complex has created a cycle in which the new technologies created by research institutes can then be commercialized by companies.

Daejeon: A City that Appreciates Science

Daejeon, which is home to Daedeok Innopolis, has greatly benefited from the complex. In 1993, a world expo was held inside the complex, which led world attention to focus on the city. Kkumdoli, which was the mascot used during the world expo, is now Daejeon¡¯s city mascot and is used to promote the city abroad. Hanbit Tower, which was built to commemorate the world expo, has become a prominent tourist site in the city.

Moreover, Daejeon has developed into a city that appreciates science given its 50-year history with Daedeok Innopolis. The city boasts the Korea¡¯s National Science Museum, which is the biggest of its kind in the country, along with various museums and field-trip programs hosted by research institutes located in the city, which allow visitors to experience all kinds of science and technology at any time. The city¡¯s roots with science are deep when considering that a recently opened department store in the city has been called ¡°Art & Science,¡± and that a science experiential center has been opened in the city in cooperation with KAIST.

Advancing into the Future

Daedeok Innopolis commemorates its 50th anniversary this year and is expected to become a major hub for research into Korea¡¯s space development. In fact, just this year, the complex was given management over R&D activities in regard to the Korean government¡¯s creation of ¡°three regional clusters for space development.¡± Danuri, Korea¡¯s first space exploration vehicle for orbiting the moon that was launched on Aug. 5 of last year, was developed at the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, which is located in the Daedeok Innopolis complex.

Just as it has in the past, Daedeok Innopolis will continue to provide an environment for researchers from various fields to meet and exchange ideas, serve as a platform to ceaselessly fuse different technologies together and offer a springboard for the development of technologies that will further advance Korea¡¯s scientific and technological developments. If you find yourself in Daejeon, be sure to take the time to peruse the complex. You will be able to experience first-hand what the future will look like.

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