January 2022

Tasty Stations

Korea¡¯s Train Stations Are
Good Places to Try Local Delicacies

Seong Hye-kyeong

Illustrated by
Cho Kyungkyu

Train station restaurants are always full of people filling their stomachs ahead of a long trip. Some station foods, however, have become travel destinations in their own right. Let¡¯s take a look at some of the station foods across the country that are so famous that people visit the stations just to buy them.


Wheat Noodles of Nostalgia

Daejeon Station

Daejeon Station has long been a major train station where the Seoul-Busan and Seoul-Mokpo lines meet. In the past, most trains had to stop there for at least a few minutes for inspections or to change layout. This was the only time passengers had an opportunity to eat.

When trains would enter the station, the wheat noodle joint that used to be between platforms 8 and 9 would spring into motion. When the train stopped, passengers would race into the shop to get a space at the standing table. Countless passengers burned their lips quickly downing the hot broth when they heard the station employees call for them to reboard their train. Some passengers would even miss their trains while they ate.

There¡¯s still a wheat noodle joint at Daejeon Station. Of course, it¡¯s no longer located on the platform itself. Rather, it¡¯s an independent shop within the station itself. You no longer need to stand when you eat, and it offers a fuller selection of dishes in more hygienic surroundings, but it¡¯s still crowded with people who miss Daejeon Station¡¯s wheat noodles of old.


Boarding with Walnut Cakes
Cheonan Station

In the past, many people passed through Cheonan Station since it was where the Seoul-Busan and Cheonan-Iksan lines met. Moreover, in the 1960s and 1970s, when Korea¡¯s railroad system was less developed, trains would frequently stop there while the rail authorities managed traffic. While the train was stopped, sales attendants with the Gangsaenghoe-the association that handled in-train sales-would make their way through the train carrying well-packaged walnut cakes.
Thanks to this, passengers from all over Korea could experience walnut cakes, with those of Cheonan achieving nationwide recognition. To this day, the walnut cake is the nation¡¯s leading snack on the road.


Snack for Winter
Seoul Station

Delimanjoo is a popular street snack, a savory cake filled with sweet custard cream. Freshly made Delimanjoo are very warm, so passengers eat them one by one while waiting on the platform in the cold winter. You can easily find them at stands and convenience stores at train stations across the country, including Seoul Station.


Delicious Station Souvenir
Daejeon Station

At Daejeon Station, you¡¯ll always find a long line of customers in front of a particular bakery. You¡¯ll also see a constant stream of people leaving the shop with bags full of bread in both hands. The star of this show is twigim soboro, Daejeon¡¯s signature baked delight.
Twigim soboro is a fried pastry with red bean paste. It has grown popular for its crispy texture and sweet taste. After a shop opened at Daejeon Station in 2011, twigim soboro became a nationwide phenomenon thanks to all the passengers who pass through. Some people even deliberately visit Daejeon Station just to buy the snack.


The Evolution of Eomuk
Busan Station

One of Busan¡¯s signature foods is eomuk, or fish cakes. In Busan Station, you can try eomuk by Korea¡¯s oldest eomuk brand, which has been producing the delicacy for three generations since 1953. In fact, you can try it in every form imaginable: with fried pepper, with cheese, rolled in fried meat and even croquettes.