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With the distribution of PCs in the 80s to the 90s, the era of PC games began, and arcade games became a thing of the past.
Widely distributed PCs and mobile devices allow people to enjoy video games even more in their daily lives.
Video arcades have become old-fashioned as online games get more popular.
The Korean online game industry grew rapidly with the introduction of gaming portals, 3D mobile games and the development of IT.
High demand for online games has led to the creation of Korean ¡°PC rooms¡± that provide the perfect environment for gamers.
Korean e-Sports fans rooting for their teams. E-Sports rival popularity with traditional sports.
¡°Competing for victory in the virtual world is also a form of sports.¡± e-Sports are rising to prominence as public attitudes toward games become more positive.
Winning team celebrating after winning a trophy
The arena filled with the crowd where the international games are taking place
Korea actively contributes to the qualitative and quantitative growth of the gaming industry as the ¡®birthplace of e-Sports,¡¯ setting trends and establishing game as a culture.
Visiting game arenas has become a cultural activity in Korea.
A child experiencing a VR game
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