December 2023


Written by Kim Da Un

Korea has been selected as one of two countries to sit on the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board beginning in May 2024.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that Korea, along with Brunei, had been designated as one of the members of the WHO Executive Board at the 74th session of the WHO Western Pacific Regional Committee held in Manila (Philippines) from Oct. 16 to 20.
The WHO is a United Nations specialized agency that is responsible for international public health. 194 member countries are affiliated with the WHO. These countries work together to help people around the world reach the highest level of health.
The WHO has direct and organizational authority for health within the United Nations. The WHO is also the leader when it comes to international health issues, setting agendas for health research, establishing norms and standards, explaining policy alternatives based on scientific evidence, and observing and evaluating technical support and health trends for each country. The organization protects everyone¡¯s right to equal access to essential care and upholds the responsibility to respond to threats that transcend national borders.
The WHO Executive Board determines the policies and decisions followed by the organization. It is composed of 34 members elected for three-year terms. Five countries are currently assigned to the Western Pacific region: Japan, Malaysia, China, Micronesia and Australia.
Korea¡¯s advancement to the WHO Executive Board will be confirmed at the 77th session of the World Health Assembly scheduled for May of next year. This marks the 8th time Korea has served as a member country since Korea joined WHO. Korea will also become the first country to advance to member country status a year after resigning.
The WHO Executive Board selects an expert in the health field to serve as Executive Director. The Executive Director participates as a member of the regular Executive Board during January and May of each year. Korea will begin its term in May 2024 and will serve as the representative for the Western Pacific region until its term expires in May 2027.
Korea is expected to play a leading role in settling accounts and establishing the budget, major business strategies and regional comprehensive plans for the WHO Executive Board and the General Assembly.
Lee Ho-yeol, Director General of the Ministry¡¯s International Cooperation Bureau and Chief Representative of the Regional Committee, said, ¡°Korea¡¯s nomination as a member of the WHO Executive Board is accepted as a request from the international community to continue to contribute and provide advice as a representative of the Western Pacific region on pending issues and the establishment of future strategies.¡±
He emphasized, ¡°We will do our best to ensure that our country faithfully fulfills its role as a member of the WHO Executive Board, to guarantee the universal right to health for all mankind (including those in the Western Pacific region) and to thoroughly prepare for and respond to future health crises.¡±

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