September 2023



Written by Jang Heejoo

The Expo Through a Photographer¡¯s Eyes

Lee¡¯s history with Suncheon goes back to his days as a university student.
¡°A club I was in made a newspaper about traditional markets. That¡¯s when I got plugged into Suncheon. The stories I heard in my interactions with vendors and shoppers in Suncheon markets helped me naturally form an affection for the city. Later, I felt the urge to do a greater variety of things there.¡±
After making the newspaper, Lee kept an eye on the websites of local government offices, hoping to find a job he could do in Suncheon. That¡¯s when he saw an advertisement for volunteers to help out with the Suncheonman International Garden Expo, which was being held for the first time in 2013.
Lee signed up as a volunteer social media supporter at the expo, hoping to take advantage of his photography hobby. He has remained connected with the expo ever since then and now plays a big role there. A decade ago, he was just a volunteer; today, he¡¯s the expo¡¯s chief archivist in the area of photography and video.
Lee¡¯s role goes beyond simply capturing the beautiful scenery at the expo. He¡¯s shooting and filming each stage of the event, including preparations and production. The expo scenery, visitors to the event and staff in meetings are all subjects for his camera work.
¡°Something I¡¯ve learned while taking photographs is that an expo isn¡¯t just a ¡®pretty¡¯ space. I¡¯ve seen how many people are working hard to make this space a reality. I think I¡¯m working even harder to shoot photos and videos because I don¡¯t want the results of all that effort to be forgotten. Even on days when shooting isn¡¯t easy, I¡¯ll head back out to the expo to get some more shots,¡± he said.

Unforgettable Scenery

Given Lee¡¯s experience at the first Suncheonman International Garden Expo, the expo holds a special place in his heart. He gets to keep watching imagination become reality. Most significantly, he has lots of chances to see how garden culture is benefiting the people of Suncheon through the expo.
¡°When we set up the Kids Garden, every boulder was positioned with kids¡¯ movements in mind. Seeing them playing just as the organizers had envisioned in the planning stage gave me this amazing sense of plans becoming reality,¡± Lee said.
¡°Even beyond that, the expo is also helping me experience how gardens are becoming part of the culture of Suncheon. When the organizers were planning ¡®earthing,¡¯ which means walking barefoot on a dirt path, I wondered how many people would actually want to do that. But now, people are taking off their shoes and walking on earthing trails throughout the garden.¡±
Lee went on: ¡°I sometimes see people picking up litter in the garden. When I asked one of them why they¡¯re picking up the trash, they gave me a simple reason―they wanted the garden to be clean. Each moment like that helps me see how gardens have transformed the attitudes of people here in Suncheon. I think that¡¯s one of the positive changes that gardens have brought to the city¡¯s landscape.¡±
The next chapter for Lee is finding a new way to keep a record of Suncheon. That could take the form of photography or a documentary film. Going forward, he wants to record even more of Suncheon in even greater detail.
Lee uses his photography to share the beauty and wonder of Suncheon. Today, once again, he¡¯ll no doubt be capturing a new side of the city in his camera lens.



Written by Sung Ji Yeon

Destinated to Become a Garden Guide

Kim Sunny has been engrossed in gardens since her early years. The garden at her childhood home had not only vegetables but also flowers designed to keep bugs away, such as rose moss, garden balsam and canna lilies. Out in the garden, the members of the family could set aside their bickering and smile as if the family were in perfect harmony.
¡°That¡¯s when I realized a garden is a place of communication and reconciliation. A well-tended garden can set people¡¯s hearts at ease. That¡¯s why I liked gardens so much,¡± Kim said.
Then one day, one of Kim¡¯s friends suggested she become a tour guide. ¡°My friend enjoying a cultural tour when it occurred to her I could do an even better job than her guide. People often tell me I¡¯m good at telling stories,¡± Kim explained.
Coincidentally, it was around that time that a job posting went up for garden guides at the first Suncheonman International Garden Expo. She didn¡¯t hesitate for a moment and applied right away.

Giving People a Better Experience

Ten years later, Kim is now recognized as one of the top garden guides at both the Expo and Suncheonman Bay National Garden, where the expo is held and where she continues to guide visitors even after the conclusion of the Expo. Her commentary goes beyond basic explanations, incorporating captivating information. Since a garden reflects the culture of a region, she describes the garden¡¯s various cultural elements, including its architecture and horticulture. And, adapting to all visitors, she tailors her descriptions accordingly.
Reaching Kim¡¯s current position took constant effort, including diligent study in the field of gardens. She enrolled in an undergraduate program in tourism to become a better garden guide and graduated after four years on a scholarship. She also holds a variety of certificates related to gardens: landscaping, floriculture, floristry, garden master and horticultural psychology. Recognizing the interpersonal aspect of guiding, she also earned a mentoring certificate.
Kim has also experienced a variety of gardens overseas. She applied memories of what she saw in gardens in England and France to her guide work at the ¡°Global Garden¡± at the expo. That helped her vividly convey information about gardens overseas to visitors.
Kim is also an enthusiastic promoter of gardens. Every day, she posts beautiful images from the expo on social media. She hopes even more people will visit Suncheon after seeing her photos.
That¡¯s a level of activity that would be hard to maintain with a normal person¡¯s energy. What¡¯s the source of her strength? Her answer was surprising.
¡°It¡¯s because it brings me joy. Suncheon¡¯s slogan, ¡®The Ecological Capital.¡¯ Life is precious, so I¡¯m glad that Suncheon has such a thoughtful stance about life. I just want to be part of Suncheon¡¯s vision of creating a garden city.¡±

A Gift for the Future

Her voice carried a passion for Suncheon. How is she picturing the future of Suncheon?
¡°I see Suncheon as the birthplace of Korea¡¯s garden culture. It initiated actions like establishing the first state-designated garden and training garden experts. I hope Suncheon continues supporting the thriving Korean garden culture. I hope someday Suncheon will be included in the world¡¯s top three garden shows.¡± Kim expressed.
That¡¯s why Kim is devoting energy to her work as a guide. She¡¯s also planning to attend graduate school to give her commentary even more depth. She wants to use the knowledge and experience she¡¯s accruing to help train the next generation of guides.
Gardens have helped her achieve glory, and they¡¯ve also given her a range of experiences. Now she wants to give back as much as she¡¯s gotten from gardens. I can¡¯t wait to see how Kim¡¯s storytelling will brighten Suncheon¡¯s future as a garden city.

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