August 2023


Written by Sung Ji Yeon

Q. Please describe PUBG Mobile.

Cyxae It¡¯s a mobile version of PUBG PC. It was launched in 2018 and has gained immense popularity. The game starts with 100 players flying in an aircraft and landing on a battlefield. Their objective is to navigate the game¡¯s terrain, use their military asset to combat, and ultimately, the last player or team standing wins. That¡¯s the mobile version, and the version designed for the Asian Games is a little different.
In the Asian Games, four players compete in teams of one. The version of PUBG Mobile departs from the traditional ¡°battle royale¡± format and instead takes inspiration from real sports events, simulating and recreating competitions like skydiving, off-road racing, shooting and more. Its goal is to uphold the Olympic spirit while fostering a harmonious, fair and ethical e-sports atmosphere.

Q. Do you each have a specific position in the game?

SPORTA There are two primary positions—the driver, responsible for driving in the game, and the shooter, in charge of shooting. Cyxae and Park Sang Cheol (FAVIAN) from Dplus KIA, who couldn¡¯t attend today, serve as the drivers, while the rest of us take on the role of shooters. Our team consists of five members in total, and during the game, four people play at a time, with player rotations based on the players¡¯ condition.

Q. How did you become a professional gamer?

BINI At first, I played for pure enjoyment, but witnessing passionate players fully immersed in the game fascinated me. I soon developed a desire to turn my hobby into a profession. From that moment on, I dedicated myself to becoming a professional player, approaching every game with unwavering commitment. Despite challenges, the taste of victory and the personal growth from my efforts brought profound accomplishment. After thorough preparation, I underwent evaluation by the agency and successfully joined the team.

Q. What makes PUBG Mobile so compelling?

SPORTA Since it¡¯s a competitive game, it¡¯s perfect for those who have a strong desire to win. The variety of weapons in the game is also a big draw, as it¡¯s easy to get bored with a limited set of options. On top of that, the impressive graphics make players feel like they¡¯re actually in it, even though it¡¯s played on a small mobile screen. All in all, despite being a mobile game, I would say what makes PUBG Mobile compelling is its immersive nature.

BINI One of the things I love about PUBG Mobile is that it allows me to carefully plan my strategy—to think about how I¡¯m going to utilize my weapons, how I¡¯m going to corner my opponent, etc. On the flip side, I have to make my situation in my best interest to survive, so I have to use a lot of brainpower.

Q. How does the training work?

TIZ1 Every day from Monday to Friday, we participate in a game called ¡°Scrimmage,¡± which runs from 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. This scrimmage involves all the teams in the league and serves as our official practice session. Following the scrimmage, we proceed with training from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. During this time, our coach gives us a briefing on areas we can improve and we go over the game based on the scrimmage. Then, we are given our personal time, during which I typically practice for an additional two to three hours. Consequently, our training spans around 12 hours, possibly extending to 14 or 15 hours, depending on individual choices.

At the Road to Asian Games 2022, the players are fully focused and engaged in their matches.

Q. You first started playing the game for enjoyment, but now you play for your nation. Do you find it challenging to play games now that it has become a profession?

SPORTA Before, I took the game casually because it was just a hobby. But now that I¡¯m representing my country, I approach each play with a sense of responsibility. Had I perceived it solely as a job, I might have developed a distaste for it, but as it began as a hobby, I can consistently derive enjoyment from it. Also, I find dedicating my time and energy to improve my skills relatively manageable.

Cyxae It¡¯s the same for me—being more carefree and having fun when it was merely a hobby. Now that I¡¯ve become a national team player, I certainly feel the weight on my shoulders because I have to show achievements to maintain my standing as a national player. Admittedly, there is a degree of pressure to achieve notable results, but I still approach each game with the attitude, ¡°Let¡¯s have a blast,¡± as I am doing what I enjoy at the end of the day.

Q. What do you think your strengths are?

TIZ1 I believe my strength lies in analyzing my opponent¡¯s weaknesses. I make strategies to place my opponent in a specific situation to defeat them. I think I am pretty good at handling my opponents with that ability in a game.

BINI My position on the team is to give orders to each member of the team, and in order to fulfill this role, it¡¯s very crucial that I remain composed and get my head in the game, even when our team is at a disadvantage. I rarely get tense, and when I do, I try my best to keep my focus intact. Thus, I consider this personality trait—not being anxious and worrying excessively—to be my strength.

Q. What are your team¡¯s strengths?

Cyxae Our team is a mix of veterans and up-and-comers from the top four teams in the Korean League. Even FAVIAN, who unfortunately couldn¡¯t be here with us today due to his participation in an international tournament, is the most experienced player in the domestic league. What sets us apart and gives us a significant advantage is the exceptional gameplay skills possessed by each of our team members.

TIZ1 Personally, I think we have an amazing team spirit, so we get along like best friends, which greatly contributes to building strong teamwork.

Q. What are your aspirations for the upcoming Asian Games?

Cyxae Currently, the Chinese team is very dominant, and even though we¡¯ve only been practicing as a team for about a month, we¡¯re performing well enough to be on par with them. I believe we can outperform them soon. In addition, the team¡¯s goal is to take home a gold medal in the Asian Games. We¡¯re determined to train hard to achieve that goal.

Q. What kind of player do you wish to be in the future?

SPORTA I aspire to be a world-class player and be an idol to many people.

TIZ1 I want to spread the word to people around the world that there is such a team in Korea, and show what kind of a player ¡°Kim Dong hyun¡± is—aiming to establish my name and showcase Korea¡¯s remarkable capabilities on a global scale!

Cyxae I wish to leave a lasting impact as a player, even if I eventually decide to retire in the future.

BINI I want to become a player who has built an outstanding career to the extent that I can feel proud of myself and be satisfied with my achievements.

Among the original PUBG gameplay formats, a scene of aiming and shooting at opponents.

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