July 2023

ESG Report

Written by Yu Pureum
Photos Courtesy of PEACHMARKET

PEACHMARKET has taken up the task of creating easily accessible books for slow learners and students with special needs under the motto ¡°Easy Information for All.¡±

Walking in Their Shoes

PEACHMARKET¡¯s journey began with CEO Ham Eui-young¡¯s personal experience. ¡°During my undergraduate studies in law, I felt a deep sense of embarrassment as I struggled to comprehend the very first page. Although it was written in Korean, I found it increasingly difficult to grasp the meaning. This realization compelled me to address the information gap. It became evident that slow learners faced a similar challenge, and thus, I embarked on creating accessible books for them.¡±

This endeavor was far from easy. The initial publication by PEACHMARKET, Tolstoy¡¯s ¡°What People Live By,¡± received limited attention despite careful consideration. In particular, the book¡¯s contents often eluded comprehension for the main readership: individuals with developmental disabilities.

Ham, who thought that understanding of slow learners came first, participated in a disabled class for two years. He took classes, solved assignments and spent time with students with developmental disabilities to acquire the language used by slow learners. The second book, which was published based on sufficient understanding, received a good response, and this led to full-fledged content production.

An Easy-to-Read magazines published by PEACHMARKET are on display in the library.

Making Reading Fun

PEACHMARKET has successfully transformed a total of 27 literary books into accessible texts for slow learners. When translating a book, the primary focus is on maintaining the reader¡¯s interest and ensuring full comprehension for slow learners. Ham¡¯s philosophy underscores the importance of not only simplifying the text but also creating a compelling narrative that captivates readers. It is essential to strike a balance where the text is easy to understand yet enjoyable to read.

Crafting easy and engaging sentences involves a meticulous process. PEACHMARKET¡¯s editors refine the flow of the text and skillfully translate sentences and words to cater to the needs of slow learners. They undergo more than 20 revisions, refining the context and carefully revising sentences and words while considering the perspective of slow learners. Throughout this process, the editors ensure that no crucial details are overlooked and that the content remains sensitive to the needs of the readers. Depending on the content, experts or cooperative organizations specializing in fields such as law, medicine or economy may contribute to enhancing the sensitivity of the text. Ultimately, this rigorous process gives birth to books that expand the world of slow learners.

PEACHMARKET¡¯s books serve as a stepping stone, bridging the gap between slow learners and the joy of reading. One inspiring example involves an elementary school student with borderline intelligence disorder who participated in PEACHMARKET¡¯s reading education program. After three years, the student no longer required their assistance because the PEACHMARKET books made reading easy. After six months, the student¡¯s mother visited the PEACHMARKET office to express gratitude for her child¡¯s success in passing a qualification exam. Moments like these reaffirm that slow learners simply need a little more time and support, as they possess the ability and will to learn and grow.

(Left) Students answer exercise questions in PEACHMARKET¡¯s workbooks. (Right) A reader reads a book published by PEACHMARKET.

Empowering People to Read

PEACHMARKET goes beyond content production and actively strives to cultivate a reading culture for slow learners. They organize events that blend culture, arts and reading, providing opportunities for individuals who lack reading experience to embrace the challenge of reading. Reading clubs are also established, encouraging participants to delve deeper into books and express their thoughts. Furthermore, PEACHMARKET conducts educational programs to share their expertise with educators and volunteers, empowering them to support slow learners effectively.

The scope of applying easy writing is constantly expanding. PEACHMARKET translates essential information for slow learners, covering topics such as financial crime prevention, disaster response measures and labor laws. In a recent collaboration with LG Electronics, they are developing an Easy-to-understand manual for home appliances. This goes beyond a simple explanation of product functions; instead, they incorporate situational descriptions to help individuals with developmental disabilities comprehend the context in which each function is used.

The ultimate objective of PEACHMARKET is to create a world where slow learners feel empowered and no longer fear reading. With this goal in mind, PEACHMARKET continues to bridge the gap between slow learners and texts, employing the medium of easy writing to facilitate their connection.

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