March 2022

Dreaming in

World-famous Composer Unsuk Chin Returns to Her Homeland
to Leads the Tongyeong International Music Festival

Park Seo Jeong,
contributing writer

Photos courtesy of
Monthly Auditorium

Today, Unsuk Chin¡¯s works are performed in leading concert halls in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States. Contemporary conductors and performers willingly claim to be the spokesperson for the composer. Chin has returned to her homeland to lead the Tongyeong International Music Festival with the goal of nurturing young Korean musicians.

No one calls a doctor a ¡°living doctor¡± or a worker at a cafe a ¡°living cafe employee.¡± Only composers, especially those who write classical music, have the modifier ¡°living.¡± Default classical music is the work of a dead master composer. Living composers are in a position in which they have to compete with immortal masterpieces written decades or even thousands of years ago. People collectively refer to the music of living composers by the use of the sometimes polarizing term ¡°contemporary music.¡±

Unsuk Chin is one of the best-selling composers alive today. Chin¡¯s composition schedule has been full for several years. Her works are commissioned and performed by the world¡¯s leading orchestras and festivals.

Last January, Chin¡¯s new violin concerto, ¡°No. 2 Scherben der Stille,¡± made its world premiere when it was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra led by master conductor Simon Rattle and violinist Leonidas Kavakos.

Back in 1999, Rattle selected Chin as one of the ¡°five next-generation musicians who will lead the world¡¯s music industry.¡± The two have developed a deep musical friendship.

An orchestra performs ¡®No. 2 Scherben der Stille.¡¯ © Bonsook Koo

Clearly, Chin¡¯s music has a competitive edge that allows the performer to choose from the numerous options in front of them. Her biggest weapon is her ¡°newness.¡±

Cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras said that after hearing Chin¡¯s early work ¡°Fantaisie Mécanique,¡± he felt a uniqueness that differentiated it from the many other forms of contemporary music.

¡°I think music has to be new,¡± Chin said. ¡°New music can be implemented not only as a musical experiment, but also as a message and style. However, I am against experiments conducted for the sake of experimentation. For example, there was a time when a cow was played on stage at a certain contemporary music festival, but I felt like it was too much. If you look at avant-garde music today, it¡¯s just a continuation of Darmstadt from the mid-20th century. It can¡¯t really be called ¡®avant-garde.¡¯ I didn¡¯t think it was new anymore, so I¡¯m trying to experiment and find new things in my own way.¡± (Auditorium, January 2018)

Chin has composed an opera based on ¡®Alice in Wonderland.¡¯ © Mark Allan

A Sense of Responsibility for Korean Contemporary Music

It is difficult to talk about Chin without mentioning Korean contemporary music. The same is true when talking about Korean contemporary music. Chin received her musical education in Germany, lives in Germany, and works mainly in Europe. She is often compared to composer Isang Yun (1917-1995). Isang Yun was a first-generation composer of Korean contemporary music. He left his hometown of Tongyeong and achieved success as a composer in Germany. Yun¡¯s music harmonizes Western musical techniques with Eastern philosophical ideas. These characteristics are expressed in the orchestral piece ¡°Réak¡± and the oratorio ¡°Om Mani Padme Hum.¡±

There¡¯s one more link between Isang Yun and Chin. Kang Seok-hee (1934-2020) was a disciple of Isang Yun. Kang taught at Seoul National University, which is the university Chin attended. For Chin, Yun was the teacher of her own teacher. Chin also expressed her respect for Yun, calling him ¡°the best composer born in Asia.¡±

However, the styles of the two composers are quite different. To borrow the words of music critic Jin Hoe-sook, ¡°Unsuk Chin pursues global universality in her music instead of focusing on Far Eastern music.¡± For example, one of Chin¡¯s operas rich in non-musical text is based on the British fairy tale ¡°Alice in Wonderland,¡± a story she read as a child, rather than a traditional Korean tale.

Jin pointed out, ¡°Korean composers who have come after Isang Yun, including Chin, have benefited both directly and indirectly from him.¡± Korean composers are a minority in the world¡¯s mainstream classical music industry, which is why they suffer from internal and external expectations to produce ¡°Korean¡± works.

Thanks to the existence of Isang Yun, the next generation of Korean composers have the chance to be free from such expectations.

Chin takes part in the first reading of ¡®Le Silence des Sirènes¡¯ at the Lucerne Festival. © Stefan Deuber

Like Isang Yun, Chin wants to pave a new path for the next generation. She has a unique sense of responsibility in fostering the viability of Korean contemporary music, especially for the younger generation of composers. For her, making a living as a composer is not just about studying abroad and winning famous competitions. A composer must constantly receive commission requests from orchestras. Their music must be performed for an audience that wants to listen.

The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra has been planning and conducting Unsuk Chin¡¯s ¡°Ars Nova¡± for over 10 years in order to create such an environment in the Republic of Korea. Chin has introduced her audience to a variety of contemporary music that is rarely encountered in Korea. In doing so, she has provided new composers with the opportunity to perform her work and hold their own master classes. She has created a place in which domestic and international contemporary music composers can communicate and exchange things through music.

¡°Ars Nova¡± created the opportunity for the Art Council Korea and other national and public institutions to develop several support programs for composers. However, emerging composers still regard Chin¡¯s teachings as a stepping stone for their growth.

Composer Shin Dong-hoon received the Young Composer Award from the British Critics Association for his orchestral piece ¡°Kafka¡¯s Dream.¡± After receiving the award, he said, ¡°After the premiere, I got compliments from Chin for the first time ever. I think I was happier to receive her praise than I was to win the award.¡±

Shin, Kim Taek-soo and Choi Jae- hyeok are referred to as ¡°Unsuk Chin¡¯s kids.¡± They are now presenting their own music as the next generation of composers.

Tongyeong Concert Hall hosts the Tongyeong International Music Festival. © DAELIM

Music Festival for Living Composers

Starting this year, Chin will be the artistic director of the Tongyeong International Music Festival. She will be responsible for the music festival for the next five years. The Tongyeong International Music Festival marks its 20th anniversary this year. The festival features classical and contemporary music that people are familiar with, including the music of Isang Yun, who was from Tongyeong. Under the theme of ¡°Vision in Diversity,¡± the music festival dreams of creating a harmonious coexistence between Bach and modern music within one program. The festival will premiere 20 works from Korea, Asia and other parts of the world.

Chin¡¯s vision goes one step further. She wants to nurture the next generation¡¯s Isang Yun at the Tongyeong International Music Festival. To that end, the festival considers programs that will motivate Korean composers and creators. The festival has also commissioned young Korean composers to perform and hold master classes. It seems clear why Chin went to Tongyeong after focusing on her work in Germany. She wants to create a music festival for future generations.

¡°In any field, it is important for creators to create their own work,¡± she says. ¡°In that sense, I¡¯ve been dreaming of a Korean performance by the Pachi Ensemble that would play songs by composer Harry Partch (1901-1974) for decades. The performance is finally going to be presented at the Tongyeong International Music Festival. Harry Partch was an extremist composer who invented his own style of music. He is the most American-centric composer. His music is completely free from European influence and is only available on the mainland of the United States. I believe that such music can be made in Korea as well. It doesn¡¯t mean ¡®our traditional music.¡¯ I¡¯m also trying to figure out exactly what it means. However, ¡®the attitude of doing your own thing¡¯ is the message I want to send to Korea through this music.¡±

Musicians perform at the Tongyeong International Music Festival. © Sihoon Kim

Chin has planned and curated concerts around the world, including ¡°Music of Today¡± by the British Philharmonia orchestra. She has a very firm belief. Chin believes that good music for music professionals is also good for the general audience, and that there are many such forms of contemporary music.

Some people are concerned that the Tongyeong International Music Festival will become a music festival for contemporary music enthusiasts. There are people who are concerned that it will be too difficult to understand the music to be presented at the festival, but everyone can rest assured. Chin is a responsible composer and artistic director.

¡°You have to think a lot about how to select and present music,¡± she says. ¡°The responsibility does not fall solely on the music when an audience has questions. Those who play and plan are also responsible. Good music will always be noticed by the audience, no matter how different it may be.¡±

* KOCIS supports overseas activities by Korean artists.

Park JaeHong

Unsuk Chin studied composition with Kim Kwang-hee and Kang Seok-hee during her freshman year at Seoul National University¡¯s College of Music. She also took composition lessons from Ligeti Gyorzi in Hamburg in 1988. Chin¡¯s first opera Alice in Wonderland was commissioned by the LA Opera in 2007 and premiered at the Munich Opera Festival. It was the first time the 200-year-old conservative theater featured a work by a female composer.