February 2022
Global Korea ¥°

Opening Ceremony of
the Korean Cultural Center

Pretoria, Republic of South Africa

The Korean Cultural Center in South Africa held its official opening ceremony on Nov. 24. About 100 people participated in the opening ceremony.
Under the theme ¡°Co-existence between Tradition and Cutting-edge Technology,¡± the opening ceremony featured a demonstration of Korean robots, as well as media performances and exhibitions. There were two exhibitions: one spotlighting Korean cultural items popular in South Africa such as Korean traditional crafts, BTS and Squid Game, and the other featuring two interactive media artworks by the media art group ¡°Everywhere.¡±
The Korean Cultural Center in South Africa is the 33rd such center worldwide.

Global Korea ¥±

Korean Culture Club Visits
the Korean Cultural Center

Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Some 10 members of the Korean club ¡°Arirang¡± of United Arab Emirates University, a major national university located in Al Ain, visited the Cultural Center on Nov. 29. With the Covid-19 pandemic receding, the Hanok hall and ICT hall, where cultural items are on display, were open once again, so the club members could look around and enjoy them.
They also visited the special exhibit ¡°Hanbok & Dolls Exhibition,¡± taking in the dolls wearing rarely seen traditional Korean royal court attire, as well as traditional attire that appeared in Korean costume dramas. They even saw BTS dolls wearing traditional Korean clothing.

Global Korea ¥²

Interview with Maria Zlatareva,
Talk Talk Korea Winner

Honorary Reporter, Sri Lanka

© Maria Zlatareva

Among the 3,658 entries in the illustration category ¡°Traditional Culture In Korea¡± of this year¡¯s Talk Talk Korea contest sponsored by KOCIS, Maria Zlatareva of the United Kingdom earned the grand prize for her work ¡°A Jour-ney to Tradition.¡± Saying her interest in Korea began 10 years ago, she added that she strives to incorporate elements of Korean culture or history into her projects. ¡°As soon as I learned that the topic of the contest was traditional Korean culture, I started writing all the things that came to mind when I thought of the word ¡®Korea¡¯ like kimchi, Hanbok, ginseng and Hangeul,¡± she explains.
¡°Afterward, I decided to create a piece that ¡®summarizes¡¯ Korea¡¯s vibrant culture at a glance and takes the viewer on a magical journey to a land full of color and excitement, beautiful traditions, food and architecture.¡±
*This article is an excerpt from an article by the Honorary Reporter Oshini Jayamuni. The full text is posted on Korea.net.