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May 2021


Quiz Event for Readers


Have you enjoyed reading the May issue of KOREA magazine and its content on pets?
Here¡¯s a quiz event anyone who has read the latest issue will easily solve. Read and take your best guess at the multiple choice questions below. Those who submit accurate answers are eligible to win a prize.

Event duration ▸ May 3rd to 20th, 2021

Quiz. 1

Documented in The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty (Joseonwangjosillok) is
a record of Joseon Dynasty¡¯s 21st king, and how he refused to use catskin as cure
for his ailment. Who is this animal-loving king, who also kept up with a
semi-vegetarian, or flexitarian diet?

  1. ¨ç Sejong
  2. ¨è Yeongjo
  3. ¨é Jeongjo
  4. ¨ê Taejo
Quiz. 2

This traditional kitchenware and craft of Korea is made through a process
of hammering together to meld precise ratios of copper and tin.
What is this item, which has been produced on the Korean peninsula since
the Silla Dynasty and till this day?

  1. ¨ç Ipsa
  2. ¨è Square Glass Lantern
  3. ¨é Hwagak
  4. ¨ê Yugi

Rewards for 8 winners

Take your shot!

Winners will be announced in the next issue of the KOREA webzine.


* Participate by clicking ¡®Here¡¯s your chance to win gifts!¡¯ and providing your answers to the multiple-choice questions in addition to filling in your name and email address.
* Your participation may be cancelled in case of provision of inaccurate email address(es).
* The above-listed reward items are subject to replacement (into other items of a similar price range.

Event Winners from April issue-participants

Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro


KKOKDAM 3 Flower Tea Bag Gifts With Butterfly holder

L**** S*****(l*************

Amazon $20 Gift Card

C******* V********(c*******
N****** K**(m******* )