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May 2021


Household of One

¡®Sogeumtoon¡¯ Illustrator & Designer, Kim Suyun

Among a booming genre of digital art locally dubbed ¡°snack content¡± for its bite-sized yet attention-grabbing nature are Instagrammable cartoons. Likewise, cats are among the most popular subjects on the internet, if not the most popular. Ask any passersby, who will likely tell you they¡¯ve seen a cat-related meme, video, channel or gif within the last 10 hours. Sogeumtoon, an Instagram account with 103,000 followers, embodies both enduringly prevalent Internet patterns.

Written by
Kim Jane,
features editor

Photo courtesy of
Kim Suyun

An app designer by trade who goes by her personal brand Salt Studio, Kim Suyun is better known by cat-stagrammers or Insta-cartoonists as the ¡°housekeeper¡± to her cats Sogeum (Korean for ¡°salt¡±) and Heukdang (Korean for ¡°black sugar¡±) — unsurprisingly white-haired and brown-striped, respectively.

Just browse around the @sogeumtoon account to feel how much affection Kim — illustrator and author to not just her bite-sized serial cartoons but also her collection of essays entitled ¡°Cats Save the World¡± — has towards her two cats. Seeing the content creator walk her talk through benevolent deeds and the events she hosts as an influencer also makes evident how dearly she wishes the best for the local pet scene.

Kim¡¯s cats Sogeum and Heukdang account not only for her content¡¯s popularity,
but also for enlivening the SNS influencer–content creator's life.

Seeing the influencer walk her talk through
benevolent, exemplary deeds makes apparent
how dearly she wishes to impart
a benign impact on the domestic pet scene.

Her campaigns of goodwill donate to charity organizations that support and provide shelters and new homes for stray or neglected dogs and cats. Though her devotion to her cats needs few words, she notes the duty all pet owners should embrace. ¡°Once you¡¯ve made the conscious, one-sided decision to adopt an animal, you are morally obliged to provide for them and make sure you sustain due efforts in maximizing their happiness,¡± she says. ¡°Don¡¯t just leave them indoors; you endowed on yourself the duty to do activities with them, make them exercise, afford them proper healthcare in times of physical ailment of illness, — the list goes on. For them, you are all they have! You are in charge of their life and happiness so let¡¯s love more, care more intimately and stay by their sides till their last moment.¡±

Conversation with
Kim Suyun

QSince when were you a cat person?

I actually grew up with a dog by my side. You know how time feels slower in your younger days? Eight years, as you can imagine, takes up a tremendous portion of your childhood. Before losing him from a car accident, I¡¯d always regarded him as part of my family. That experience, simply of living with a dog, granted me a proper feel for what it¡¯s like to share your private moments and day-to-day being with a dog.
Hence, as soon as I became financially independent and felt I¡¯d acquired enough fiscal and (room for) time investments to devote to a pet, I started looking into animal adoption options. I ended up bringing in a cat, which I think is partly due to my prior experience encountering so many stray cats in alleys. I¡¯d often share snacks with them, forming a bond with these lovely feline creatures. That¡¯s how Sogeum entered my life.

QWhat made you start your ¡®IG-toon¡¯ (or ¡®Insta-toon¡¯) works and serialize it as an account?

As is common amongst single-living households, I had a great sense of loneliness within me. To stave it off, I made deliberate efforts to go out more, meet more people. Bringing in the little creature, a single cat into my life surprisingly had an enormous impact on my daily life.
Naturally, I gradually felt less lonesome. Her presence afforded me to strike an ideal balance, whether in terms of my leisurely time for refueling or recharging from work-mode. From there, having more time for myself that I was willing to proactively use, or invest in maintaining a hobby simply led me to draw cartoons featuring a cohabiting person and a cat to express my burgeoning love toward Sogeum.

QHow else does living intimately alongside cats affect you?

Cats never forgo their self-grooming routine, regardless of how hectic of a situation or environment they¡¯re in. In fact, cats dedicate a fair portion of their time, on a daily basis, to grooming themselves from top to bottom, head to tail. Seeing how gracefully they undergo self-maintenance — routinely and consistently — motivates me to also remain attentive to my own self even in the midst of whatever chaos, instability or struggles I face.

Her first adoptee, Sogeum and her actions provide consistent fodder for inspiration.


in Goodwill

Iconic Dog Trainer, Kang Hyung-wook

It is a struggle for anyone to strike a delicate and most befitting balance between coolness and warmth. Striking the finest of lines in his poise — between sternness and compassion, aloofness and affection — Kang Hyung-wook is a dog trainer by trade in addition to being a rarified TV personality, and an entrepreneur leading Bodeum Company, an educational center for dogs and dog owners.

Written by
Kim Jane,
features editor

Photographed by
Studio Kenn

Photo courtesy of
Bodeum Company

Considering the developments modern Korea sped through in such compressed time, it takes tremendous influence from a figure like Kang Hyung-wook to foster a more inclusive and less human-centric public mindset. Kang has regularly starred in TV programs like ¡°Dogs are Incredible¡± (KBS, 2019–present), ¡°There is No Such Thing as a Bad Dog¡± (EBS, 2015–2018) and ¡°Man Who Feeds Dogs¡± (Channel A, 2015–2018). The surge of dog-related programs attest both to Kang¡¯s heightened clout and recognition, as well as to amplified interest of the public toward what it means to properly care for and tend to dogs.

Kang Hyung-wook is renowned for possessing both a wide spectrum of attitudes toward dogs,
shifting as every dog¡¯s situation calls for him to, and impressive equanmity.

© shutterstock

Kang is not only representative as a mainstream icon, but also in the way he melds Western and Eastern philosophies in his approach to dog training. While cultural differences may account for the variations in methodology, Kang manages to meld the best of both worlds.

Despite his stature as a pioneer in his training methodology, Kang brushes off such descriptions with a jestful yet profoundly truthful attitude of humility. His larger-than-life achievements are faithful manifestations of the physical and physiological regimen he upholds just to keep himself in check. ¡°It¡¯s hard not to fall into mannerisms, which I suppose applies to an array of fields (not just in dog training),¡± he says. ¡°There¡¯s a saying that ¡®to do what you want, you can¡¯t do what you want to do.¡¯ That¡¯s a good way to summarize the magnitude of self-restraint I impose on myself in adhering to my strict day-to-day routines.¡± He continues, ¡°Part of it, especially regarding my duties as a trainer, comes simply because I absolutely love engaging with dogs. But as a TV personality or ¡®celeb,¡¯ I need to guard my mentality carefully as to not fall under illusions that I am in any way special, or should be specially treated by others.¡±

My job affords me a sneak peek into the
lives of many different people.

Bodeum Company is more than a building full of lesson spaces for dogs; around it is a playground
for dogs and people to socialize, as well as a rooftop, pool and an entire field for dogs to roam about.

Conversation with
Kang Hyung-wook

QWhat are the best and worst things about your job?

It¡¯s simply what put me here and made me who I am; I¡¯m blessed to have found my duty and to exist alongside and in servitude to such wondrous beings [dogs]. There is no doubt I'll continue doing so to the fullest of my capacity.
Aside from the fact that it consists of consistent interactions with dogs, the job affords me a glean into the lives of many different people. You¡¯d be surprised how much dogs¡¯ behavioral tendencies and attitudes reflect their guardians¡¯. It¡¯s like borrowing a window view into people¡¯s lives.
You have to maintain very rigorous standards and levels of equanimity. Even physically, for quick reflexes and agility, a strictly disciplined routine is a must. My daily regimen is designed to enable me to do my absolute best for dogs. As an actual father, my son has come into the picture but my insistence on the ongoing routine remains as meticulously constructed as it had been ever since I began figuring out how best to treat and serve dogs.

QWhat led you to establish and lead a business in this field of your expertise? The clout you embody in Korean society and our mainstream consciousness must already be more than enough to have your say heard as a beloved TV personality and skilled trainer.

It came to me just as naturally as my affection for dogs did since my early childhood. I train dogs, dog owners and fellow dog trainers, which have always been my job, an occupation that consists of the most playful interactions with dogs — compared to others that deal with them just as frequently, like vets or groomers. So, why not offer services to dog owners who may be suffering, along with their dogs, due to sheer miscommunication? For us trainers, such problems are easy to spot and resolve. All we need is to be quick on our reflexes and remain highly attuned to various canine behavioral signals — or clues for assessing their present states — and leverage the data we¡¯ve thus far accumulated from numerous practices and case studies.
What people often find surprising is the fact that our customers are rarely upper class. You¡¯d imagine our dog center to be luxury or supplementary treatment-based, but that is hardly the case. Even this city Namyang-ju is a rural rather than suburban part of Gyeonggi-do Province; I often encounter customers who save up specifically to visit here: to obtain our services as a way of providing their beloved dogs with a solution and ultimately, a better living environment.
What does that reflect about our society? Generally speaking of course, our priorities are shifting. Creatures that have once been treated like accessories or some complementary topping to console or make themselves feel better are no longer objectified, or treated in the human-centric point of view that prevailed.