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Choi Hyun-Woo name

A Magician
Who Works Miracles

Magic Can Change Everything

At the third Inter-Korean Summit held on Sept. 18 this year, Choi was not only part of the delegation, but also had the chance to present a magic show in front of the two leaders. Choi, who believes there is magic in every moment, shares his experiences.

Written by Lee Hye-min   Photographed by Studio Kenn

Choi Hyun-Woo

Emotional Time in Pyeongyang

Cheong Wa Dae released a few photos after the Inter-Korean Summit that was held in September. The two leaders seemed friendly with each other, and to be enjoying Choi¡¯s magic. As expected of a professional, Choi looked confident and relaxed. But what would it really be like to be part of the historical moment? ¡°I was very nervous before the show. There was no rehearsal, and I was the last to perform. I had to change what I had prepared at the last minute because the venue changed to the banquet hall.¡± Luckily, Choi was able to work around the situation and presented a spectacular show.

Among the performers, Choi was the one who got physically closest to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Even today, he still finds it hard to believe that he was there. Performing in front of Kim was something he had not thought possible.

¡°It made me emotional to be given the opportunity to perform at the summit, which involved discussions on possible reunification. When I did the telepathy trick and showed that the two leaders had the same ideas, it felt like I did my part to deliver a message of peace and harmony.

To me, being able to be there meant so much because it reflects how popular magic shows have become.¡±

He solves the Rubik¡¯s Cube with one hand while not even looking at it at the magic concert ¡°The Brain.¡±He solves the Rubik¡¯s Cube with one hand while not even looking at it at the magic concert ¡°The Brain.¡± © Raon Play

It¡¯s Magic, Not Tricks

This visit to North Korea was like a reward for Choi¡¯s past efforts. He has been conscientious and committed throughout his career. Looking back, there was not a single idle moment. ¡°There¡¯s nothing easy about magic. People think tricks would be important, but the presentation is what matters—acting to make it seem real. For professional magicians, techniques are just the basics.¡± His hands, thick with calluses, show how hard he has worked to hone his skills.

More than anything else, a magician must understand other people. To present quality magic, it is essential to have a good grasp of when people feel the most fascination. ¡°When I was younger, I cared a lot about tricks or new magic. But as I became more experienced, I¡¯ve learned that what¡¯s more important is to understand other people and having empathy for them. These are the essential qualities I need to make the audience feel surprised and amazed.¡± This was what motivated Choi to study brain science. Under the guidance of leading brain scientists, he analyzed academic papers on brain activity. As a result, his performances, which he puts together based on scientific research, have enjoyed tremendous success. Stunned by his magic, those who attended his shows call him a true wizard.

The tension is reaching a peak as he inserts knives at the magic concert ¡°The Sherlock.¡± © Raon Play
His hands show how hard he has worked to hone his skills.

Why Do People Watch Magic Show?

Choi, who has been performing magic shows for more than 20 years, recalls an episode from a decade ago. ¡°There was a special event for couples as part of the show. A guy proposed to his girlfriend, but she started weeping, and turned him down. Everyone in the audience didn¡¯t know what to do.¡± It turned out that the woman was suffering from terminal-stage cancer, and the man wanted to be her husband in her last days. ¡°I remember him saying, ¡®If everyone here supports me, I believe this wedding will magically come true, like a miracle.¡¯ He was doing all he could to change her mind. His sincere words brought tears to my eyes.¡±

That inspired Choi to give more thoughts to the appeal of magic from the audience perspective. Through magic, he wanted to deliver hope to those looking for a miracle in life. This is what he considers to be the duty of a magician performing on stage. ¡°It¡¯s rewarding for me to see people who used to doubt magic change their mind and at least question if magic is actually possible after they watch my performance.¡±

Choi Hyun-woo impressed his audience with the mind reading magic at the magic concert ¡°The Brain.¡± © Raon Play

The True Source of Magic Lies in Endless Effort

A magician turns imagination into reality. Choi becomes invisible at times, reads people¡¯s minds, predicts the future, or escapes miraculously from a death trap. Why are people drawn to magic? ¡°We live in an age where happiness is forced. We often compare ourselves to others. And in doing so, we wish to know what others think or what is going to happen in the future, hoping to break free of undesirable situations.¡±

Choi comments that happiness doesn¡¯t come ¡°magically¡± but requires efforts. It takes efforts to move on to happiness from whatever situation we find undesirable. This is why he doesn¡¯t look for a magical moment to get what he wants. He trains rigorously, until his skin gets hard, and studies psychology to learn more about people he wants to interact with through his magic. Choi is a magician who is constantly at work—the secret behind his mastery.

  • Choi Hyun-Woo Profile

    2018   Magic Concert ¡°The Brain¡± 3rd Edition

    2016 - 2017   Magic Concert ¡°Ask&Answer¡± 1st & 2nd Edition

    2015 - 2016   Magic Concert ¡°The Sherlock Gravity 503¡± 1st & 2nd Edition

    2014 - 2015   Magic Concert ¡°The Brain¡± 1st & 2nd Edition

    2014   Magic Theater ¡°The Sherlock Secret of 553 ST¡±

    2014   Magic Theater ¡°The Prism – RED¡±

    2013   Magic Concert ¡°The Sherlock Secret of 553 ST¡±

    2012   The youngest member of F.I.S.M (International Federation of Magic Societies) judges

    2012   Magic Concert ¡°Sherlock Holmes 2: Return of Sherlock Holmes¡±

    2011   Magic Concert ¡°Choi Hyun-Woo¡¯s Imagination Theater¡±

    2011   Magic Concert ¡°Sherlock Holmes – Magician Has Disappeared¡±

    2010   Magic Concert ¡°Hyun-woo in Wonderland¡±

    2009   The first Asian recipient of F.I.S.M¡¯s Originality Award

    2002 - 2006 ¡°Magic Concert¡±

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