December 2022
Global Korea ¥°

Large-scale Exhibition of
50 years of K-pop History

Brussels, Belgium

On Oct. 26, the Korean Cultural Center in Belgium opened a large-scale realistic exhibition, ¡°K-POP, NOW HERE,¡¯ which sheds light on K-Pop¡¯s 50-year history for the first time in Europe.

This exhibition has three keywords, ¡°MOVE, WAVE and CREATIVE,¡± to introduce K-Pop¡¯s origin, history and prospects for the future in one place. In particular, the exhibition is organized in an interactive manner using cutting-edge technology such as mapping, media art and VR, so that visitors can have a hands-on experience and enjoy the exhibition.

Global Korea ¥±

Korean Culture Day

Los Angeles, U.S.A.

The Korean Cultural Center in LA with the San Diego House of Korea held various events to promote Korean culture in commemoration of the first anniversary of the opening of the House of Korea in Balboa Park.

During this event, traditional cultural performances such as fan dance, gayageum performances and various Korean traditional cultural shows were held, and traditional cultural experiences such as writing names in Korean, making knotted bracelets and various Korean promotional items were provided along with a simple meal with bulgogi and kimchi.

Global Korea ¥²

Interview with Director
Choi Donghoon in London

Honorary Reporter, U.K.

© Erika Rimkute for London Korean Film Festival 2022

Choi Donghoon is a film director and screenwriter who has enjoyed commercial success with his films ¡°The Thieves¡± (2012) and ¡°Assassination¡± (2015), with each selling over 12 million tickets.

I met him back in 2012, when his comedy ¡°The Thieves¡± premiered as one of the opening movies of the London Korean Film Festival. He was friendly as we exchanged a few words and took a photo together.

A decade later on Nov. 3 this year, I saw him again but this time as a Korea.net Honorary Reporter after receiving media credentials. This year¡¯s festival had as its opening film his sci-fi action thriller ¡°Alienoid.¡± I reminded him of our meeting 10 years ago, and he asked me if he had changed. I paused while showing him the photo I took of us back then. He said, ¡°Oh my god, I changed a lot!¡±

* This article is written by a Korea.net Honorary Reporter Diya Mitra from the U.K. The full text is posted on Korea.net.