April 2022
Global Korea ¥°

Korean Literature Week Event with Berkelouw Books

Sydney, Australia

The Korean Cultural Center in Sydney collaborated with the Hornsby branch of Berkelouw Books and organized the ¡°Korean Literature Week¡± event from Jan. 26 to Feb. 9 to enhance interest in Korean literature and intensively promote excellent works of Korean literature.

The event, which was held for about two weeks, showcased superb works of Korean literature―from children¡¯s books to literary works that won the world¡¯s most prestigious literary awards in the main exhibition space of the bookstore, and conducted promotional campaigns through shopping malls where bookstores are located.

Global Korea ¥±

Filming Location Tour Videos for K-drama Fans

Osaka, Japan

The Korean Cultural Center in Osaka produced two videos introducing Korean drama filming locations with TV Osaka, which airs the most Korean TV shows among local terrestrial TV stations. The videos explored the filming locations of Korean TV shows currently airing on TV Osaka, including contemporary dramas filmed in Seoul and historical dramas filmed throughout Korea.

Japan¡¯s top Hallyu emcee, Masayuki Furuya, and a TV Osaka announcer introduced not only the filming locations, but also local information, food and tourist attractions, providing useful information to the viewers.

Global Korea ¥²

Mexicans who Fought in the Korean War

Honorary Reporter, Mexico

© Shea Winter Roggio

During the Korean War, more than 100,000 Mexican and Mexican-American soldiers fought under the United Nations flag. To remember the soldiers¡¯ sacrifices, we introduce the following excerpts from interviews conducted on Feb. 1 via videoconferencing with an author and the son of a Mexican veteran on the experiences of such men in the conflict.

Jose Villarreal, a U.S.-born Mexican who died last year, joined the U.S. Army to fight in the Korean War. According to his son Jose Antonio Villarreal Ugarte, the elder Villarreal landed in Korea on Sept. 15, 1950, the day after his birthday. ¡°My father witnessed a destroyed country and what Korea achieved is incredible. He thought Korea¡¯s fight for success was admirable,¡± says Antonio.
* This article is an excerpt from an article by the Honorary Reporter Nerea Ramirez and Esly Monjaraz. The full text is posted on Korea.net.